What is the purpose of the Partners program?

What is the purpose of the Partners program?

There are a lot of agencies and freelance website builders out there that are not interested in website security or development work. Many agencies hand their site after-care over to regular hosting and updates and maintenance are left to end-customers who usually don't maintain their sites and are usually unhappy when their sites break.

We aim to bridge the gap and help our Partners in three main ways. See our Partners landing page for more information.

1. Senior WP Devs / Support / Coding help / Advice

Agencies and freelancers are people too, and sometimes things bork and it's hard to get them back to where they need to be. We help our partners solve any issues they might be having as well as provide support and advice on plugins, themes and building the best quality websites they can.

2. The WP-Ensure Platform / Hosting / DNS / Technical maintenance

When our Partners recommend us to end-customers, we take care of all the technical work and work with our partners to ensure the customer is happy. Ongoing after-care is a fantastic way to build long lasting customer relationships and monthly reporting allows us (and our Partners) to touch base every month and give recommendations.

3. Commission forever

Partners can choose to set up billing themselves (we invoice Partners directly with -20% off the price), or then we invoice customers directly and Partners get their 20% collecting in their account. Each month Partners get a report showing their collected revenue and can bill it monthly, or save it for a time. This commission payment is valid for the lifetime of the customer. This coupled with monthly recommendations from Partners, is a great way to build recurring revenue in a positive way that benefits everyone.